The Last Dance

In the fall of 1997, Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls allowed a film crew to follow them as they went for their sixth NBA title in eight seasons. That resulted in a stunning portrait of one of the sport’s most iconic athletes and a celebrated team. “The Last Dance” follows the Bulls’ 1997-98 season […]
The Mole Agent

A woman hires a private detective to investigate rumors of elder neglect in her mother’s nursing home. The detective, in turn, enlists Sergio, a kindhearted recent widower, to infiltrate the facility and gather evidence. He learns how to operate spy cameras and moves into the home, where he quickly discovers he is one of only […]
The Nightcrawlers

Nighttime in Manila is a dangerous place; only handful of bold photojournalists brave the violent, blood soaked streets to document the horrors of Duterte’s “war on drugs.” This shocking exposé charts the connection between politicians, local police, hired vigilantes, and innocent civilians.
The Reason I Jump

Based on Naoki Higashida’s ground-breaking memoir, in which a 13-year-old nonspeaking autistic boy brilliantly describes his perception of the world, The Reason I Jump offers a rich and highly relatable first-hand portrait of what autism feels like. Following five young people from around the world and using excerpts from the book as a narrative thread, […]
The Social Dilemma

A powerful exploration of the extreme impact that a relatively small number of engineers in Silicon Valley have over modern-day society, The Social Dilemma deftly tackles concepts like technology addiction, social engineering and surveillance capitalism and makes them visceral, understandable and urgent. Through a unique combination of documentary investigation and entertaining narrative drama, award-winning filmmaker […]
The Truffle Hunters

Deep in the forests of Northern Italy resides the prized white Alba truffle. Desired by the wealthiest patrons in the world, it remains a pungent but rarified mystery. It cannot be cultivated or found, even by the most resourceful of modern excavators. The only souls on Earth who know how to dig it up are […]
The Vow

Following the experiences of people deeply involved in the self-improvement group NXIVM, an organization under siege with charges including sex trafficking and racketeering conspiracy brought against its highest members and founder Keith Raniere.
Then Comes the Evening

A portrait of the bittersweet life of two grandmothers living in the isolated hills of Eastern Bosnia. Nature is the one companion with whom the women speak to and respect. THEN COMES THE EVENING reflects the simplicity and purity of their way of life, as well as their painstaking hard work, and the caring and […]
Through the Night

When one’s sole focus is to provide for their children, the stakes are extremely high. The need for multiple jobs to make ends meet has become a common reality for many families in this country, which leads to a very important question: who looks after the children while their parents work? Through the Night examines […]

A single moment in time can propel your life into new, unexpected directions. A single decision, a single chance, or a single mistake. We talk about time like we talk about movement, tumbling forwards, pregnant with possibility. In prison, the world races on without you, with your family and loved ones straddling parallel dimensions of […]