
A single moment in time can propel your life into new, unexpected directions. A single decision, a single chance, or a single mistake. We talk about time like we talk about movement, tumbling forwards, pregnant with possibility. In prison, the world races on without you, with your family and loved ones straddling parallel dimensions of space and time. Sibil “Fox” Rich’s family is split in two as her husband Rob serves the mandatory minimum sentence for a first-time offense committed in his 20s, and their sons grow into men. Garrett Bradley’s Time is a gorgeous decades-long portrait of Fox Rich — a tireless advocate, entrepreneur, and prison abolitionist — and a testament to the monumental strength of all women who love and support someone behind bars. Eighteen years of home miniDV tapes capture each year’s birthdays and milestones as Fox records video love letters to melt the iron bars of Louisiana’s Angola prison and keep her family together. – True/False